Archive for June, 2012

June 28, 2012

Cookie Therapy

Some days, you just need a chocolate chip cookie.

Other days, you need a really really big chocolate chip cookie.

Although it took about two weeks to eat this thing. And I had two strapping lads to help me out, as well as various guests who were forced to take a foil-wrapped slice home in their pocket.

Because once you decide to bake an 18″ cookie cake, there is no turning back.

You haul out the flour tin and the KitchenAid. And two full bags of chocolate chips.

Because this cookie cake isn’t fancy. It isn’t about perfection. It’s simple two full batches of chocolate chip cookies, recipe straight off the Nestle bag, spread into a humongous pan, and baked at 375.

But just barely baked. Because according to my housemates, who are self-professed cookie cake connoisseurs, a dry cookie cake is a travesty. I hauled this baby out of the oven while it was still jiggly in the middle.

But topped with a scoop of mint ice cream on a hot hot summer day with a side of good company? Perfection.


June 17, 2012

Meet Awesome Person Guest Blogger Allison!

Drumroll please……! A Sprinkle in Time would like to present its very first guest blogger! I am pleased to introduce a really quite wonderful lady named Allison. I am placing your tummies squarely in her capable hands. Erm, you know what I mean. Drool away.
(And I swear… I didn’t ask her to say all those nice things about me… shes just THAT nice!)
Most people emulate celebrities, world leaders, TV characters, maybe even their mothers.  What thousands of young girls wouldn’t give to marry Justin Beiber.  Who wouldn’t want to be the next Donald Trump or receive an invitation to Hogwarts like the great Hermione Granger?  I myself was once married to Nick Carter, living the life of a rock star’s wife in the basement of my house.  I’ve since, however, moved on to bigger and better things.  I now aspire to be just like Katie Lane.  Not only is she one of the sweetest, friendliest people I’ve ever met, but she’s also, as you all know, a fabulous baker.  I follow her blog…I copy her recipes…I strive to be as creative as she is and as a result receive incredible compliments in her honor.  I may just be her biggest fan.  But enough gushing…I really do have something to post about.
            So I have a sister.  Her name happens to also be Katie.  She just graduated from high school.  She likes parties.  Every party needs cupcakes.  Now, usually I would turn to A Sprinkle In Time for inspiration, but alas, no such post could be found.  I kept my cool though.  With a little help from Google Images and the Sprinkle’s scrumptious yellow cupcake recipe I set to work.
            To be completely honest, these cupcakes were a bit of a disaster.  I was a tad overzealous in filling the cupcake tins.  My desire for huge crowned cakes resulted in misshapen mounds that sank in the middle and a very dirty oven that threatened to set off the fire alarm each time the door was opened.  The experts aren’t kidding when they suggest filling those cups only ¾ of the way full…
            Nevertheless, they were delicious. Just a little icing (perhaps a tad too dry) and of course the graduation caps made from Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey’s chocolate bars, blue raspberry Twizzlers, and York Peppermint Patty M&Ms and the cupcakes were ready to eat.
            They were pretty darn yummy and I’m proud of my accomplishments.  Perfect for any graduation, my friends and family will probably be seeing these again next May when I say goodbye to Skidmore.
            Congratulations, Katie Putnam and thank you, Katie Lane.  It’s an honor to have contributed to your blog.
Thanks Allison!!! I love you more. No I love you more! No I love YOU more! Okay okay… we all get the love here 🙂 YUM!