
It’s a new year. That means I get to buy myself a treat right?

Yes. It does.

I just bought The Bread Baker’s Apprentice by Peter Reinhart. I have been lusting after it ever since Christmas, when my brother asked me to pick up a copy at the bookstore as a present. I wished and hoped that he was secretly giving to to me (although that would be a lame way to give a present I guess), but instead it was for my bread-baking machine step-dad, Tom.

I tried to steal borrow it over break. No such luck.

So I bought it. And I am going to learn to make bread.

This bread is not from that book. It is a simple and yummy-looking recipe from Joy the Baker. Well, it was my first time, and several things went awry (I am refraining from a rye bread pun here. you’re welcome.)

But it looks kind of nice, and it tasted okay!

Until I burned most of it trying to make garlic bread under the broiler.

That’s a story for another day.


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